Luxor + Journey with the Dahabiya to Assuan.
“The journey with Maria was magical, indescribable and emotional. In Egypt I experienced many emotional ups and downs that I was only able to get through thanks to Maria's support.
Even a year later, I am endlessly grateful for this unique opportunity. I will never forget the experiences.
With Maria I visited temples and hidden places before the tourists came. It was just magical. Maria's knowledge and passion made the trip unforgettable. The encounters with locals touched my soul.
Thanks to Maria's care, I was able to fully indulge in the emotional moments. I recommend that anyone who feels the call to visit Egypt do so with Maria. It is a journey that touches you deeply. Thank you Maria for this unforgettable experience."


Luxor + West-Desert
“The journey with Maria was magical, indescribable and emotional. In Egypt I experienced many emotional ups and downs that I was only able to get through thanks to Maria's support.
Even a year later, I am endlessly grateful for this unique opportunity. I will never forget the experiences.
With Maria I visited temples and hidden places before the tourists came. It was just magical. Maria's knowledge and passion made the trip unforgettable. The encounters with locals touched my soul.
“The journey to Maria is challenging. Your mind asks you 100 times: I don't understand why I should go there, what's the point?
The answer I found in Egypt: What I experience there is beyond anything I can even imagine. Exceeds what I could feel before. Who I thought I was is crumbling before my eyes. Deepest layers of conditioning, deepest pain, things buried deep from the past come to the surface again. Who am I if I suddenly no longer define myself externally? Something that cannot be grasped by reason. That can only be felt. While I already knew that I was more than a body, knew that I was a soul, it was more of a construct and only in a few moments could I feel what that meant. The energy of Mary and Egypt turned everything I knew upside down. How it feels to feel my soul so clearly. The realization that none of the identities I have built are true. That I am in truth everything that exists and ever has existed and will exist. That this all-encompassing energy flows through me every day. And that's who I truly am. My life will no longer be the same. Everything that I am not and never was dies. To be who I really am. Pure soul essence.”


"Whoever says Mary must also say Mohammed. Both make the stay something special. Why? They never intrude on you, they give you space, you are really warmly welcomed and they make everything possible for you. Maria opens doors to the soul to ancient Egypt ( and to himself) Mohammed organized like a world champion. And both of them as a team offer something like a home in Egypt. You feel safe. Highly recommended and happy again and again.
When I think about my time with Maria, a few images come to mind:
Time on a boat on the Nile. Sunset together, letting yourself drift, dinner on the roof of the boat and light-hearted conversations and lots of laughter together.
The house on the West Bank.
A large, spacious room, beautifully decorated, the garden, the kitchen full of history and stories, the roof terrace, donkey calls and the cats. The house is embedded in Egyptian life, now and then. Some of the historical sites are only a few meters away.
Deep and easy conversations.
Lots of laughter, lots of pleasant attentions, generosity.
And if you think you're just sitting around at home drinking tea - far from it. You get to see everything your heart desires."

Carmen + Franziska
Luxor, Dendera + Edfu
About the Mysteries Journey of Isis, in which we visited 8 temples in online sessions with Mary,
My wish to visit Egypt became virtually possible. These sessions were very
touching and also upsetting, because a lot happened. Within these 8 trips Maria offered,
from November 23rd to 26th, 2023 the Hathor Temple in Dendera and the option also the Horus Temple
Visit the temple in Erdfu including accommodation and meals in your home. This offer made me want to visit Egypt in real life,
Become a reality this year. It didn't take much thought on my part
and I booked these days with Maria and Mohamed and a hotel stay afterwards.
The opportunity to visit Egypt alone as a woman in a protected environment that Maria and
Mohamed gave me the opportunity to get to know this country a little for the first time
learn. The preparation via Zoom call was very good so that we could prepare for certain things
could, which are different there than in Germany.
I found it so gigantic, this immersion in this other world, the life there and the people
not to be perceived as a “normal” tourist and still be protected.
For me it was so interesting to first experience the temples through the sessions, and that was too
very touching, and then a short time later there were these special places with my own
To step on your feet and experience the energies on site. The combination of the two temples, the
Hathor Temple, which embodies the original femininity and the Horus Temple, which represents the
male power is the topic that has occupied and challenged me for as long as I can remember.
My feeling is that there is the place to bring these two poles into harmony and peace within me
confirmed and it still has an effect... it won't stop at this visit, I'll come back!

Coming Soon


Luxor, Journey with the Dahabiya + West Desert
Coming soon


Julia war gemeinsam mit Freunden in Ägypten, als ich leider grad in Deutschland zu Besuch war. Mohamed Hat sie und die Gruppe in Luxor begleitet und dafür gesorgt, dass sie sich wie Zuhause fühlen.
Journey of Isis
"As I realized for myself, it's not just about Isis, about temples, other gods or goddesses... it's about
about the journey, journey that leads some parts back to unity with themselves.
You experience a lot on this trip. You travel along the Nile, temple by temple, looking for the lost parts of yourself. You may see old stories of your own soul, old wounds open up and sometimes it's not easy. First we have to face the pain and finally let it feel. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in a safe space, perhaps for the first time. Symbols, signs, connections... you try to understand it all. But the key lies in the dedication to truly face your feelings. Behind every repressed feeling you find a part of yourself. Little by little it returns to unity.
How many parts do we have that we have oppressed? That we have labeled as -not good- over the course of our lives? Because, because, because... It's always the same force, just its form is different. Whatever reason we did it that way, we couldn't help it. With the story of Isis & Osiris constant parallels. It's an inspiration. We are all on the way.
The journey of Isis is an accompaniment where you don't have to go alone, where you let the group and this protected space carry you. Where there is a new beginning and with perhaps the greatest pain, peace is made. The journey of Isis will always be with you. The feelings of release that you store. The motivation to keep going that you will feel. It makes you want to face the changes and no longer fear them. It's a key you'll use again and again. Key to change. Isis is a symbol of our own resurrection in every phase of our lives. Again and again, like a phoenix.
Each of us has a different story, different paths that we have dreamed of as souls. And yet our paths cross in search of ourselves. Geometry, gods & Goddesses, temples, Nile... these are all memories, symbols, parts that represent the universal power.
And perhaps the experience of this Isis journey is also your soul's plan."
